Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Why did a Saudi prince get a personal tour of Ground Zero?

There's been a great deal of outrage because Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad wants to lay a wreath at Ground Zero when he visited. Former NYC mayor Giuliani was outraged, calling it a photo-op and a disgrace to those lost because of Iran's ties to Islamic terrorism and oppression.

Why, then, did Giuliani give a Saudi prince a personal tour of Ground Zero in October 2001?

Why did a Saudi prince get a personal tour of Ground Zero?
Saudi Arabia may be an Absolute Monarchy that does not allow democracy or criticism, but there are reasons for that. The United States gives money and supports this monarchy in order to get good oil contracts and military bases in SOUTHWEST ASIA. If it had not been for the United States, the Saudi Arabian monarchy would not exist. So while you say that they're so horrible, YOUR tax dollars pay for the United States to support this monarchy.
Reply:Its hard to imagine.This would be as senseless as a troop ship hit by a u boat torpedo inviting the nazis for coffee break hurry up were sinking hurry. This prince is probally ben ladens nephew
Reply:I wish that it was hard to believe, but it's not. 19 of the identified hijackers of 9/11 were Saudi's.
Reply:word has it that a saudi agent gave material aid to the 911 hijackers.

the saudis are also helping iraqi insurgents to kill our troops.
Reply:I agree, and I remember being pissed about that.

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