Sunday, May 16, 2010

Do you NOT THINK that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran wants to lay a wreath at ground Zero for the..?

"MARTYRS OF ISLAM?," MORE than making a statement of SYPATHY for the 2300+ who DIED BECAUSE of their actions that day?

Do you NOT THINK that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran wants to lay a wreath at ground Zero for the..?
It's possible. The only way you could prove it would be if he did lay a wreath and either then or sometime later claimed he did it for the "martyrs of Islam". At any rate, it's all a PR move.
Reply:i really don't care what his reasons are. the bush administration not allowing him to is a travesty. and in world politics the bush administration has committed hundreds. the dollar is falling and debt is rising. goodbye usa -- you only have yourselves to blame.
Reply:makes sense, he's a nut case anyways
Reply:I don't care why he wants to go there to probably gloat.
Reply:Hatfields vs McCoys

Law vs Law is as

Loser vs Loser.

Middle-East is an oxy-MORON

Let them vs them all have "their end".

Let us go on unto perfection: Hebrews 6

There is no them vs them in "us-ward".

"The Lord is longsuffering to us-ward".

The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ WITH YOU ALL. AMEN.
Reply:Hopefully soon someone will lay a wreath somewhere for his sorry self.
Reply:Think about it.

The 9/11 hijackers were sunni muslims. Ahmadinejab is a shi'ite muslim.

In case you haven't noticed, the two sects of Islam are having a civil war right now with Iraq in the middle.

Allowing Ahmadinejab to lay a wreath at the WTC site would really piss off Osama.
Reply:His laying a wreath may make his tribute to the martyrs of Islam comforting, but their place of eternal destiny is not with 70 virgins but instead a Lake of Fire..Where there is never no comfort...Ever...
Reply:Probably, but I want to warn you that every time I have answered Question about Islam with truth I ahve had the answer deleted. I asked them if I wa deleted because Yahoo is owned by Al Quida since I simply stated truth that ws documentabel in History, that Mohammad was a mass murderer and a child molester. Hpe you see this answer before Yahoo deletes it.
Reply:It is a way of showing his following that America is weak and that he can do anything he wants to do in the U.S.
Reply:He want to see if it really happened so he can denies his country men had any part and to gloat see if he can blame someone else !!!!!
Reply:Anything is possible with that guy. I believe he is a deceiver.
Reply:could claim to honor the suicide/murders for the "martiir' Jihadist islamist crowd and to be lamenting the murder of the innocents killed by the Jihadists before the rest of the world. It is all a public relations scam in my eyes. If A M is not permitted to do this he can gan ground to by showing how 'vindictive those American Great Satanists are"


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