Sunday, May 16, 2010

Is it vengeful and unforgiving to not allow the President of Iran to lay a wreath at the WTC memorial ?

The guy is a phony and a smiling Hitler. HE SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED IN THE U.S. AT ALL, and I don't care about the U.N. He should be the first person to be thrown out of the U.N. as far as I'm concerned.

And those news people that interviewed him should be charged with sedition, in my opinion, as well.

Is it vengeful and unforgiving to not allow the President of Iran to lay a wreath at the WTC memorial ?
He did call for the destruction of Israel. And he also sponsored meeting to prove the Holocaust of the Jews was a myth. A is a main proponent of ultra-radical Islam. Sure, why not. Lets invite Hitler to lay a wreath on the WTC, how do you think the families of the victims would feel?
Reply:As opposed to insulting and likely to start trouble?
Reply:I think so. It was a gesture of goodwill, why turn it down? It makes us look bad.
Reply:May be a bit outside.. But, that action might really anger the friends and families of the many innocent people that lost their life that fateful day. But, I don't think the president of Iran had a thing to do with the terrorists of 9/11.
Reply:I was watching fox news this morning, thinking about the same issue. I think that it is vengeful and unforgiving, yes. But in order for people to BE forgiven, they MUST ask for forgiveness and show that they truly understand why they were wrong. And to me, he hasn't. Quite frankly, I believe that he wants to go there and lay a wreath in remembrance of the TERRORISTS who hit the towers. And he NEEDS to do something to convince people otherwise. My biggest problem is that he doesn't have ANY credibility at this time!

Edit to redeyesrich -- I would HATE it if my murdered child's killer visits my child's grave (unless it is to try to ask for forgiveness for the actions!) But I FAIL to see what that has to do with THIS discussion! Are you suggesting that the President of Iran was responsible?? No matter how much we can dislike the man, I don't see how we can blame him for this event.
Reply:Even your choice of adjectives is problematic because it implies that Iran had the first thing to do with September 11 - which it, of course, didn't, any more than Iraq did.

So it's not vengeful or unforgiving. It is, however, pettly, small-minded, insulting and boorish.
Reply:what would we be taking revenge for? Why do we need to forgive him? US and Iran have started a diplomatic dialogue, (for the first time in 30 years) i do believe it sends mixed signals to iran about our desire for dialogue

That man has proclaimed death to america and we are suppose to let him step foot in our country and "honor" america. Oh please.

He would probably use it as an excuse to try to determine weaknesses in security to fund and support another terrorist attack against the US.

If he steps foot in the US he should be arrested for crimes against american troops over in Iraq since we know he is helping out the terrorists in Iraq.
Reply:It was just plain ignorant.

The WTC Towers were not attacked by Iran.
Reply:Its more than a little odd that we treat it like a holy spot. It was a symbol of good will no matter how fake it might have been, by not allowing it we will undoubtedly uspet the world even more than they already are.
Reply:Yes, as he was, to the best of factual knowledge, not actually involved in the World Trade Center catastrophe.
Reply:no, it's just dumb. he probably made the offer knowing that it would be refused. now he looks good with his people, which was probably the entire point.
Reply:Nope, he knows the country doesn't want him here. That would be like me going to Iraq and giving an insurgent a high-five and cigarette.

They hate me, so I would avoid them until everything is cool over there.

Note - He had nothing to do with 9/11, true, but the man has gone on public record stating his disgust for America. That would be the same as allowing Sadam Hussein the oppurtunity to be there back when he was in power. Common sense about political happenings is need here people.
Reply:Why not allow him pay his respects.

I personally don't think it unforgiven as i don't believe he or the general middle eastern world had much to do with it.
Reply:I read that there were a couple of reasons why. For one, they said no diplomats were allowed in, due to security risks. Also, the government is wary of letting him in because he could then show pictures of the site, and say, "See, I don't like terrorism." And then go on and support it in other ways. They don't want it becoming a photo op. But I did read that they are looking for a way to resolve it.
Reply:Some crimes against humanity are forgiven ONLY when the criminals have repented. Which, in this case, they have NOT.

Iran CONTINUES to be a "state sponsor" of islamic terrorism.

To allow this person who has repeatedly called for the death of America AND Americans to step foot near WTC is an affront to both the living and the dead from 9/11.
Reply:How would you feel about your murdered childs killer visiting your childs grave?

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