Sunday, May 16, 2010

After Jimmy Carter's Wreath Laying At The Grave Of Yassir Arafat Is There A Hollywood Movie Deal In The Making

Something along the lines of "Weekend At Yassirs"?

After Jimmy Carter's Wreath Laying At The Grave Of Yassir Arafat Is There A Hollywood Movie Deal In The Making
I hope not because when the sex scene between Jimmy and Yassir happens I'll be scarred for life. Jimmy in a nighty alone will cause hysterical blindness.

Since RP's writing the script I'll trust his judgment on this
Reply:Let's leave poor Jimmy Alone, Jimmy Carter what a Joke,

Jimmy Carter's greatest hits

Thanks for the highest inflation in U.S. History,

Thanks for that energy crisis,

Thanks for your failed middle east policy

Thanks for allowing IRAN to hold hostages in our own embassy for over 454 days,

Great JOB IN LETTING CASTRO empty out his jails and send us all his Killers, Rapists and drug dealers to the U.S., nice job on that one.

Thank god Reagan stomped your butt in 80 to clean up your failures.

I will get alot of thumbs down but Facts are Facts,
Reply:Yes.. it will be called "Jimmy Gump"... in reference to Forest Gumps totally spineless, mostly senile, and completely incompetant brother who was once president of the US... and now completely embarresses its people by cowtowing to terrorists and terrorist leaders alike!

Coming to a theatre near you!
Reply:Yes, I've already sent the script in so I have first dibs.

Here's the cast:

Jimmy Carter: Tim Robbins

Hamas Leader: Sean Penn

Hamas Leader #2 (after Hamas leader #1 is killed by Israeli soldiers): George Clooney

Mossad operative: Chuck Norris

Israeli Soldiers 1-50: Chuck Norris
Reply:Jimmy Carter is one of the worst US Presidents of all time times, in and out of office. He's a disgrace to this country. He should have all of his government benefits pulled including his 100,000 as year pension.
Reply:Yes...they will show it as a double feature with the bush/cheney chickenhawk-vietnam drama as a warning to future Americans.
Reply:Jimmy threw himself on the grave weeping uncontrollably screaming.."I never had anyone better than you Yassir".

I have heard it is titled:

"My Yassir: An Uninhabitable Humanity!"
Reply:Now that was funny but I'd bet that Jimmy is depressed that his boyfriend Arafat died. They were such VERY GOOD FRIENDS.
Reply:On the way home he his going to build a couple habitat for the pathetic and or stupid homes for those who are engaged in jihad....
Reply:How about "Dumb and Dumbest"
Reply:Strange bedfellows!!!

A working title might be, "In The Footsteps of Benedict Arnold".
Reply:Jesus said to love your enemies, and so did Ghandi.

Are you smarter than them?

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