Sunday, May 16, 2010

Where do you hang your wreaths?

my partner and I are in a disagreement and I was wondering what the consensus was on wreath hanging. Its a floral wreath and in my mindset I say it should be hung on the door outside.

He says it should be hung inside. My problem is its kinda ugly but it was a gift from his sister inlaw and neither of us want to offend her.

I have never in 30 years seen a wreath on a wall inside the house exception being Christmas time.

Where do you hang your wreaths?
i agree with u
Reply:Wreaths Inside and Outside!!! I Love dried flower wreaths and have them in all my bathrooms..and Have a beautiful bowed one in our Master Bedroom and Barn/Farm type wheat looking beautiful one over my Fireplace...Also in the kitchen over the door....also have babyies breath in baskets all over the house too...Havent found one for the front door yet since our front door faces east and picks up 100 degree heat 60% of the day....Have fun with where your wreath will go.. 8-)
Reply:My family and I usually hang wreaths on our front door.

I've never really seen one inside though.
Reply:A couple years back at Christmas time we got a huge balsam wreath from my in laws. It smelled so good I thought why waste it on the outside of the door so I hung it in the living room and the entire house smelled sooo nice from it. I usually put wreaths on the outside of the door and in the living room. I have seen wreaths on doors inside of homes also. I hope that helps
Reply:I hang mine on the bathroom door. Lol.
Reply:well i use wreath during christmas season only and i hang one outside the door and the other, i lay it flat on the table. you can lay it flat instead of hanging it. don't shoot the msgr, but I am a MAJOR crafter, in fact I own 4 glue guns in case one burns out in the middle of a project...LOL... If you'd like to see some of my pics they are at:

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Ok, on to your question! They can be hung anywhere the creative mind desires. Martha loves the wreath and so do I! I make tons of them. You have a aquatic theme in your bathroom? Take a painted eucalyptus wreath and glue some shells, starfish, dried grasses, etc on it and maybe put a round mirror behind it and then hang it about the toilet! Color and depth will be added, while giving the eye something to entertain it while taking a leak! Oh, and you can check your look at the same time...LOL... But, yes, they can go anywhere. To not hurt the sister-in-laws feelings, hang it in a low traffic area in the house. I'm think stairwell to the attic??? LOL... Seriously though, a guest room, HIS office or study, the fireplace in the guest room (above it, not in it :-D )...there are so many options.

Long story short, babbling aside, yes, it can go inside Tony. Just find a place that is out of the way and the next time she comes over give her a tour around the house and point out things that have changed. Don't make it obvious, but make sure she notices the wreath and she'll make the mental note that it has been displayed. Then you're in the clear! Hope this helps.



Ok, I totally see your point man... Too bad you can't get rid of it. I would keep it in your closet and hang it up in like your bedroom or something only when she comes over. OH! Tell her that you hung it on your door and someone stole it! Then pray to God she doesn't make you a new one!
Reply:It depends upon whether the wreath is made of materials which can be used outdoors. Grapevine wreaths can be kept outside but will deteriorate over time. If it is made of silks, then you should keep it inside. And, yes, people do hang wreaths on walls. Thirty years is not a long are going to see LOTS more than just wreaths hanging on walls. If neither of you is really very fond of it, but don't want to offend, hang it somewhere not very prominent, like in a hallway. You can tell her, "We really needed something here, and your wreath fit perfectly.". She will be happy and you won't have to look at it all the time.

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