Monday, November 16, 2009

Did you hear, the Libertarian party sent a wreath of flowers to the RNC headquarters?

mourning the loss of small government values?

Did you hear, the Libertarian party sent a wreath of flowers to the RNC headquarters?
Classic political humor!!! and one of the best commentaries of this whole election cycle..
Reply:Now that shows creativity! And it sure makes a unique statement in a way that can't go it makes for terrific press! Thanks for this. Love it!
Reply:They are about 40 years too late. Those values left the party after Goldwater's defeat. And for anyone who claims Reagan had "small government values" please tell me one thing he ever did to reduce the size of the Federal Government other than talk about it.
Reply:They might have sent flowers, but nobody knows who they are still. I wonder who really ended up with the flowers . . .
Reply:How thoughtful, especially on Valentine's Day. Who paid for it? All five Libertarians?

It's so true.

We have very little control over our government. If you only get to chose from the people the govt says you can chose from then ... Is it really a choice at all?

We don't have a democracy. We have a 2 party system that is controlled through funding, with no moral or ethical basis. Where a man can become president when he actually and verifiabley receives fewer citizen votes.

With that said, I wouldn't trade our system of govt for any other.

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